News stories
Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management
14 June 2021
The Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management (APDIM) sets out a vision to ensure effective disaster risk information is produced and used for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. APDIM Multi-year Strategic Programme of Work for 2021-2030 outlines the overarching long term outcomes we commit to deliver to achieve our strategic goals.
APDIM programme of work is the main framework upon which APDIM activities are shaped; it is guided and approved by its Governing Council Members. The programme of work is designed to inform and support, as appropriate, member States in producing and analysing disaster information for planning and investing as well as reporting towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, including the Sendai Framework Targets for disaster risk reduction and resilience.
APDIM Multi-year Strategic Programme of Work for 2021-2030 is built on the recommendations of the Independent and Comprehensive Review of the performance of APDIM endorsed by the seventy-sixth session of the ESCAP Commission. In addition, the Strategic Programme of Work also draws on the APDIM commissioned Assessment of the Gaps and Needs for Disaster Risk Information and Data Management Platforms in Asia and the Pacific Region that assessed the current capacities, available services, and needs of regional and national stakeholders for disaster risk information and risk data management in the region. APDIM further convened a group of stakeholders and experts who considered the Review recommendations and the outcomes of the Assessment through a Theory of Change lens to ensure accountability for impact and prioritize actions accordingly.
APDIM will work with a range of partners including Government institutions, United Nations entities, think tanks, regional organizations and networks, private sector, research centres and academia to implement its Multi-year Strategic Programme of Work for 2021-2030 in pursuit of developing and managing disaster risk information along with supporting Governments in the region to build capacities and facilitate regional cooperation.
Read APDIM Multi-year Strategic Programme of Work for 2021-2030
Press releases
Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management
19 February 2020